Source: index.js

export {QuickScore} from "./QuickScore";
export {quickScore} from "./quick-score";
export * from "./config";
export {Range} from "./range";

 * @typedef {Array<number>} RangeTuple  A tuple containing a range's start and
 * end indexes.
 * @property {number} 0  Start index.
 * @property {number} 1  End index.

 * @typedef {function(string, string, Array<RangeTuple>?): number} ScorerFunction
 * A function that takes `string` and `query` parameters and returns a floating
 * point number between 0 and 1 that represents how well the `query` matches the
 * `string`.  It defaults to the [quickScore()]{@link quickScore} function in
 * this library.
 * If the function gets a third `matches` parameter, it should fill the passed-in
 * array with indexes corresponding to where the query matches the string, as
 * described in the [search()]{@link QuickScore#search} method.
 * @param {string} string  The string to score.
 * @param {string} query  The query string to score the `string` parameter against.
 * @param {Array<RangeTuple>} [matches]  If supplied, the function should push
 * onto `matches` a tuple with start and end indexes for each substring range
 * of `string` that matches `query`.
 * @returns {number}  A number between 0 and 1 that represents how well the
 * `query` matches the `string`.

 * @typedef {function(string): string} TransformStringFunction  A function that
 * takes a `string` parameter and returns a transformed version of that string.
 * @param {string} string  The string to be transformed.
 * @returns {string}  The string with the transform applied to it.

 * @typedef {string|string[]} KeyName  A reference to an item's key to search.
 * The key names can point to a nested key by passing either a dot-delimited
 * string or an array of sub-keys that specify the path to the value.

 * @typedef {KeyName|{name: KeyName, scorer: ScorerFunction}} ItemKey  A
 * reference to an item's key to search.  This type can also include a custom
 * scoring function to use for the given key.
 * @property {KeyName} [name]  The name of a key to search.
 * @property {ScorerFunction} [scorer]  The function that will be used to score
 * the named string.

 * @typedef {object} Options  An object specifying various options that can
 * customize QuickScore's scoring behavior.
 * @property {Array<ItemKey>} [keys]  An array that specifies which keys to
 * search.
 * @property {string} [sortKey]  The name of the key that will be used to sort
 * items with identical scores.
 * @property {number} [minimumScore]  The minimum score an item must have to
 * appear in the results returned from `search()`.
 * @property {TransformStringFunction} [transformString]  A function that takes
 * a `string` parameter and returns a transformed version of that string.
 * @property {ScorerFunction} [scorer]  A function that takes `string` and
 * `query` parameters and returns a floating point number between 0 and 1 that
 * represents how well the `query` matches the `string`.
 * @property {Config} [config]  An object that is passed to the scorer function
 * to further customize its behavior.

 * @typedef {object} ScoredString  An object representing the results of scoring
 * an `items` array that contains strings.
 * @property {string} item  The string that was scored.
 * @property {number} score  The floating point score of the string for the
 * current query.
 * @property {Array<RangeTuple>} matches  An array of tuples that specify the
 * character ranges where the query matched the string.

 * @typedef {object} ScoredObject  An object representing the results of scoring
 * an `items` array that contains objects.
 * @property {object} item  The object that was scored.
 * @property {number} score  The highest score from among the individual key scores.
 * @property {string} scoreKey  The name of the key with the highest score,
 * which will be an empty string if they're all zero.
 * @property {string} scoreValue  The value of the key with the highest score,
 * which makes it easier to access if it's a nested string.
 * @property {object} scores  A hash of the individual scores for each key.
 * @property {object} matches  A hash of arrays that specify the character
 * ranges of the query match for each key.
 * @property {object} _  An internal cache of the transformed versions of this
 * item's strings and other metadata, which can be ignored.